Monday, November 9, 2009


I apologize for my previous post-- the paranoia and sleep deprivation are getting to me. Not to mention the fact that we're illegally and unjustly imprisoning more than a dozen rightfully-free American citizens. I notice as I type that I have chewed my finger nails to nubs. Worst of all, I know that my mental state is deteriorating, and I can do nothing about it. How ironic! A psychoanalyst spiraling into insanity. Though apparently such things are not unhead of, considering the recent Fort Hood fiasco. Indeed, I have half a mind to wipe out every person working here, including myself.

It would be impossible, though...everyone knows exactly how many guns are in the facility, and where they are. This is because they are impossible to steal. Needless to say, weapons technology within this facility is decades ahead of that on the outside, for obvious reasons. We may be deprived of many things here, but advanced weaponry is not one of them. Apparently, neither is internet access. This is very curious, but I won't ask anyone about it.

Please say something, and God bless you.

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